
Jeremy Geddes

Art » New Contemporary Art » Jeremy Geddes

Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Dec 8, 2009, 12:13am

Just discovered this artist last month. Loving this series of cosmonaut paintings...

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Dec 8, 2009, 12:37am

wow. his stuff is awesome. i'm a big space nerd so this hits the spot.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by gildoinc on Dec 8, 2009, 12:57am

Nice find Sleep. I completely forgot about Gedes - Found his work years ago in Australia. The new work looks great. I'll try to find some older images and post.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thinkspace on Dec 8, 2009, 4:27pm

Yeah, he's a monster. That collector I profiled a bit back, Gregg Spatz, on SH has a few of his works. Pretty much only does commissions as hit him up a couple times in the past for shows. SO good.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Dec 8, 2009, 6:24pm

Dec 8, 2009, 4:27pm, thinkspace wrote:
Yeah, he's a monster. That collector I profiled a bit back, Gregg Spatz, on SH has a few of his works. Pretty much only does commissions as hit him up a couple times in the past for shows. SO good.

how are his prices?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Jan 16, 2010, 8:51pm

A study for a new series of paintings he is thinking of working on.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by bram on Jan 18, 2010, 7:42am

good God this bloke is talented. Love that study shown above.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hahaajp on Jan 18, 2010, 12:53pm

I just discovered Jeremy's work a few weeks ago on expresso beans. Here's a picture of one of this prints framed which is not mine by the way.


I love it! I hope to see more from him this year, maybe even a solo show? I'm not sure where he's based or if he's done many shows in the past but I'd love to see his work in person.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by gilsteph on Jan 18, 2010, 3:22pm

Thanks for sharing! Very impressive!!!!!!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Jan 18, 2010, 3:49pm

fantastic artist. i thought the cosmonaut painting were beautifully rendered and love the context he set the figures within.
the new study looks fabulous. i wonder where he will take this next series of paintings? can't wait to see.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thinkspace on Jan 18, 2010, 4:17pm

He's got a solo coming up in November in China I believe...
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hahaajp on Jan 18, 2010, 4:24pm

Jan 18, 2010, 4:17pm, thinkspace wrote:
He's got a solo coming up in November in China I believe...

Interesting! I'd love to see what he comes up with.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on Jan 19, 2010, 3:50pm

i'm pretty sure he is based out of australia...i love his work too and hope to have something of his hanging on my wall soon
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on Jan 19, 2010, 3:56pm

some pics from the HK Venture show

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by bigstrunso on Jan 19, 2010, 4:14pm

wow, where are those cosmonaut pieces hanging?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by chetzar on Jan 19, 2010, 4:20pm

I absolutely love this guy's work. Thanks, Sleepboy, for turning me on to him. I have been talking to him through email (he's a very nice guy) and trying to help hook him up some shows in the US. I am dying to see his work in person.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Jan 19, 2010, 5:40pm

his stuff is awesome. i just took my white cosmonaut print in today to get it framed. his prints look really nice.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Jan 20, 2010, 11:03am

I'm glad everyone likes his stuff. I need to look into how much his stuff costs...

Posted up an interview with him here if you are interested.

That's cool Chet, would love to see his work in person as well... Any word where he will be showing yet?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Jan 20, 2010, 11:26am

I also heard something about him putting out a figure with 3A but not sure what happened with it, but I'd imagine it'd be pretty special...


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by chetzar on Jan 20, 2010, 12:51pm

Jan 20, 2010, 11:03am, admin wrote:
I'm glad everyone likes his stuff. I need to look into how much his stuff costs...

Posted up an interview with him here if you are interested.

That's cool Chet, would love to see his work in person as well... Any word where he will be showing yet?

I think he has some shows lined up in Hong Kong for now.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by gildoinc on Jan 20, 2010, 1:54pm

Well I finally found a Jeremy Geddes email from back in 2005 .

He had just had his second solo show at the Outre Gallery called the Mystery of Eilean Mor. The price range in 2005 was mostly in the $2000 - $2600 range with the title piece selling for $4000 and a couple of smaller pieces for $550. When I emailed the gallery in October everything was already sold.

Here is the copy from the show and some work highlights - enjoy:

"Outr� Gallery is proud to announce the long anticipated second solo exhibition of local painter JEREMY GEDDES. His first exhibition 慠eflex� two years ago was a sell out with paintings going to both local and international collectors with a taste for the dark, the gothic and the latently (and overtly) violent.

This exhibition of original paintings by Geddes are from his much anticipated Eilean Mor project.

The launch of "The Mystery of Eilean Mor", the new thrilling book of foreboding and mystery, is the result of a collaboration between Geddes and best selling Australian author Gary Crew.

The tale is one of a sea captain whose investigations into a mysterious lighthouse breeds thrilling suspense and wonder, as well as providing a moody premise for Geddes' luscious and dramatic studies of light and dark.

With an eye to traditional oil painting techniques, Jeremy's painting surfaces are a thing of wonder with rich, deep glazes that require dedication and patience to perfect. "









Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by devours on Jan 20, 2010, 8:17pm

Before his Cosmonaut works, Jeremy had been too influenced by Phil Hale. Jeremy was just a bit more refined, but there had been some negativity about his art because of the similarity. Now he seems to moving on with his tonal works that are really showcasing his talent and individual expression. It was not until Ashley Wood commissioned him to do 'Heat Death' last year that his Cosmo pieces have really started to draw a strong following. His prints are a beautiful quality, and there is much anticipation for his figure with 3A for 2010. It is wonderful that he is gaining such attention.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Jan 21, 2010, 11:19am

I have just recently heard back from him, and he has shows lined up in HK and the price range know runs from 1-10k AUS$ so you guys in the UK can get quite a discount on the exchange. Also he currently has no paintings available for sale. Sounds like his last show went well, hopefully his success will continue.

oh and I don't know where I saw it but "the cafe" looks phenomenal
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Jan 26, 2010, 9:25am

"the cafe" print will be released this wednesday on his site. ($160AUD). I really like this one, although it has a very disturbing vibe to it. I wish I could see some of his originals in person.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Jan 26, 2010, 10:56am

Jan 21, 2010, 11:19am, hellosir wrote:
I have just recently heard back from him, and he has shows lined up in HK and the price range know runs from 1-10k AUS$ so you guys in the UK can get quite a discount on the exchange. Also he currently has no paintings available for sale. Sounds like his last show went well, hopefully his success will continue.

oh and I don't know where I saw it but "the cafe" looks phenomenal

should be a great print.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Jan 27, 2010, 11:44am

Here's a pic of the print.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shawnlow on Feb 8, 2010, 7:01pm

Surprised it took so long for Jeremy to get listed/mentioned here!

He's based in Melbourne and is really talented.

Only issue is that Jeremy's a perfectionist! He labours over a painting for a long time. There was a piece that looked perfect to me but just sat in his studio for a couple of years...Jeremy told me that he passed the piece to Ash Wood! See below for more on Ash and Jeremy.

He doesn't show with galleries and sells direct to 'fans'.

I live locally and have been lucky enough to have bought some pieces and also visited his studio. There won't be a shortage of paintings for sale...you just need to be patient (his last large batch of Cosmonaut paintings sold two+ years ago) and you also need to beat Ashley Wood.

Believe it or not, Ash owns MOST (I'd say 90%) of Jeremy's larger paintings. That last Heat Deat piece was an Ash Wood 'commission'. Oh well. They're friends so I guess that Ash has dibs!

Some pieces I own are here:

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Feb 21, 2010, 3:08pm

A couple more studies. So many before he paints the actual one. Must be a perfectionist.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Feb 22, 2010, 2:35pm

Love the White Cosmonaut print, keep going back to his site to have another look. I think i'll pick one up next week. Not to keen on Cafe, not sure how much enjoyment i'd get having that on my wall.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Feb 22, 2010, 2:53pm

I did the same thing with the white cosmonaut. I went back to the site for about 2 weeks and kept looking at it and finally got it, and am now debating on whether I should have gotten the large version. Which size are you looking at getting?

Has anyone opted for the Large version?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Feb 22, 2010, 2:58pm

Feb 22, 2010, 2:53pm, hellosir wrote:
I did the same thing with the white cosmonaut. I went back to the site for about 2 weeks and kept looking at it and finally got it, and am now debating on whether I should have gotten the large version. Which size are you looking at getting?

Has anyone opted for the Large version?

Just the standard size for me, framed up it will still be a good size.
My ceilings aren't high enough to carry off a large framed piece like that.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by soph on Feb 25, 2010, 6:49am

the large white cosmonaut is pretty big - but is very beautiful. The print has a really lovely softness to it - and despite being double the size of the original painting the detail and quality is remarkable (you can see the odd hair that's was trapped in the original painting!!)

That said - framing a print of that size is pretty pricey - and as Spenie pointed out - you do need a place with high ceilings to give it the space it needs

In terms of shows - he's currently working toward a show in HK in April 2011 with Ashley Wood. So everything is being saved for that.

We're planning a little sale of paintings from a comic that he was working on (but has since decided not to pursue). So if you want a small and affordable little original :) we'll be sending an email out to our contact list in March.

And yes - early on Phil Hale was a big inflence, more from a techinal perspective - but he's definitely found his "own voice" in recent years :)

I hope this answers some of your questions - if you have anything specific - fire away (and if it gets too technical I'll pester jem for answers)

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Feb 25, 2010, 7:36am

Hey Soph

Welcome to the board!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Feb 25, 2010, 8:49am

Feb 25, 2010, 6:49am, soph wrote:

We're planning a little sale of paintings from a comic that he was working on (but has since decided not to pursue). So if you want a small and affordable little original :) we'll be sending an email out to our contact list in March.

:o looking forward to that. I just placed my order for the heat death print after seeing you mention there were only a few copies left.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Feb 25, 2010, 3:56pm

welcome soph :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Feb 27, 2010, 7:23pm

Just purchased the standard size, would hate to miss out on this.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 28, 2010, 2:08am

Feb 25, 2010, 8:49am, greenhorn1 wrote:

Feb 25, 2010, 6:49am, soph wrote:

We're planning a little sale of paintings from a comic that he was working on (but has since decided not to pursue). So if you want a small and affordable little original :) we'll be sending an email out to our contact list in March.

:o looking forward to that. I just placed my order for the heat death print after seeing you mention there were only a few copies left.

Sold out now.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Mar 7, 2010, 6:05pm

he currently has a postcard up on ebay as part of the brownstones to red dirt art benefit


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Mar 7, 2010, 6:57pm

holy shit, that's been bid up high already
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Mar 7, 2010, 9:51pm

yeah i was quite surprised myself. my chances were shot pretty quickly.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Mar 8, 2010, 2:44am

yeah, was watching that as well. shot right through the roof! :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Mar 11, 2010, 5:05pm

Comic panels up now, for those interested.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Mar 11, 2010, 5:10pm

some nice small pieces for sale on Jeremy's blog...



Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Mar 11, 2010, 5:38pm

i managed to grab one. super pumped.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Mar 11, 2010, 5:43pm

Well done Peetov, which one did you go for?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Mar 11, 2010, 5:47pm

i had scoped them all out in his blog beforehand and decided on this one.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on Mar 11, 2010, 5:50pm

Congratulations. Nice choice.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by panditha676 on Mar 11, 2010, 7:24pm

glad to see another artist focusing on the dying art of academic art. :) cannot wait to own one of his works
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by steveinca on Mar 11, 2010, 10:13pm

Someone with this much talent has the ability to go as far as they desire with their craft. Amazing work....
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Mar 12, 2010, 6:17am

Yeah I really liked that he sold them out in an hour. And the best part from Soph, Hopefully we can have another one of these again soon!

What a great artist all around. Congrats to all that got what they were looking for.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Mar 12, 2010, 12:44pm

Mar 12, 2010, 6:17am, hellosir wrote:
Yeah I really liked that he sold them out in an hour.

:) More like 30 seconds! I fired off a prewritten email at 10pm uk on the dot and they'd all gone!!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Mar 12, 2010, 1:20pm

Yeah it must have been faster than an hour. I just noticed that Soph sent out the all sold recap after an hour. Sorry you missed out. I was teetering over the wake up piece and sounds like I would have missed it anyhow.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Mar 12, 2010, 4:10pm

Mar 12, 2010, 12:44pm, droow2 wrote:

:) More like 30 seconds! I fired off a prewritten email at 10pm uk on the dot and they'd all gone!!

this makes me feel really lucky.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Mar 12, 2010, 4:41pm

Mar 12, 2010, 4:10pm, peetov wrote:

Mar 12, 2010, 12:44pm, droow2 wrote:

:) More like 30 seconds! I fired off a prewritten email at 10pm uk on the dot and they'd all gone!!

this makes me feel really lucky.

Congrats matey! Great score!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Mar 13, 2010, 8:44pm

congrats to whoever scored the piece in the ebay charity auction. i actually liked that piece a lot as it ties in nicely with his recent work. final sale price was $910 towards charity. :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thecreep on Mar 15, 2010, 1:46pm

Mar 11, 2010, 7:24pm, panditha676 wrote:
glad to see another artist focusing on the dying art of academic art. :) cannot wait to own one of his works

I agree. While there are not many artists focusing on academic styled works, the ones who are are simply amazing.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Mar 18, 2010, 7:19am

Jeremy Geddes OG comic panel on ebay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ORIGINAL-JEREMY-GEDD.... item4a9f6acad7

(FYI - I am not the seller)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by ken on Mar 18, 2010, 5:17pm

Is that one from the recent release?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Mar 18, 2010, 6:24pm

I don't think so. I don't recall seeing this one in that release.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Mar 19, 2010, 3:20am

No, it says on the listing he bought it last year. It's from the same set of paintings though

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on May 2, 2010, 9:41pm

A new mini painting.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on May 4, 2010, 12:38am

i love it
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by planetzog on May 4, 2010, 1:10pm

Awesome. Is it for sale?
I've checked Jeremy's site but it's only got a small mention in his blog.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on May 4, 2010, 1:46pm

This piece is for his HK show next year. He will be doing a number of these smaller works to compliment the larger paintings. Cannot wait to see this body of work in it's totality..and am really hoping to be afforded the opportunity at a cosmonaut piece.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on May 4, 2010, 3:26pm

top 5 artist for me
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on May 7, 2010, 12:56am

an in progress shot of 'cluster'

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on May 8, 2010, 4:31pm

Looking good, would love to score that OG.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by suckerpunch on May 11, 2010, 1:39pm

The man is a GENIUS...
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by wakd on May 25, 2010, 7:47pm

A print of the new small white cosmonaut is now available on Jeremy's website. Edition of 200. Mine is on its way.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on May 26, 2010, 3:00am

Small white cosmonaut - edition of 200 - is already 92% sold out according to Jem's blog. Freeway is also now sold out, Alley is almost sold out. Seems more and more people are starting to discover his work - definitely well deserved success!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on May 26, 2010, 5:49am

Thanks for the updates. Just purchased "Alley" and "There is Glory in Our Failure" before I am going to regret not pulling the trigger fast enough. Liked his work from the first posts here (although it is actually very different from what I am collecting), but there was always something else on my list.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 26, 2010, 12:14pm

Small white cosmonaut's sold out! :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by suckerpunch on May 26, 2010, 1:58pm

Wow they went quick.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by planetzog on May 26, 2010, 2:27pm

I'm not surprised. It's an awesome print.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by chadley on May 26, 2010, 6:30pm

I was so conflicted about getting one, his art looks like it has some amazing potential.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Jun 7, 2010, 11:50pm

Looks like the little cosmonaut OG is on sale in Beijing in a couple of weeks!



also there will be some large format Heat Deaths available for attendees only! any board members in beijing?


And news of a big show late 2011 in an as of yet undisclosed location!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Jul 21, 2010, 4:46pm

Alley print is Sold Out.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Oct 20, 2010, 3:12pm

Heard he has a show in New York on 2012....:)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Oct 20, 2010, 3:43pm

Oct 20, 2010, 3:12pm, thomasmd wrote:
Heard he has a show in New York on 2012....:)

From his blog:

"The next exhibition is firming up, both Ashley Wood and I will be having a show in NY at Jonathan Levine in 2012. Should be great - more info to come!"

I can't wait ;D
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Oct 20, 2010, 3:49pm

hmmmmm, any idea how much would be an "average" sized OG piece from him........? Anyone??
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Oct 20, 2010, 3:50pm

Yup i'm sure it will be fantastic. Showing with Ashley Wood as well should really let him show his talents. I feel they have a chemistry together.

Weekender when I contacted about a commission I was told prices vary for originals depending on time spent and size. A smaller piece was quoted 1-2k and larger pieces 10-20k. I'm pretty sure those are in $ AU, plus I assume that the prices will rise a bit now with a gallery show rather than buying from him directly. It will be fun to see how things develop
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Oct 26, 2010, 4:12am

Oct 20, 2010, 3:50pm, hellosir wrote:
Yup i'm sure it will be fantastic. Showing with Ashley Wood as well should really let him show his talents. I feel they have a chemistry together.

Weekender when I contacted about a commission I was told prices vary for originals depending on time spent and size. A smaller piece was quoted 1-2k and larger pieces 10-20k. I'm pretty sure those are in $ AU, plus I assume that the prices will rise a bit now with a gallery show rather than buying from him directly. It will be fun to see how things develop

I wonder how much prices would be by 2012...Geeez! Any idea what size would fit in the 10-15K range? ;)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Oct 26, 2010, 4:45am

From His Blog:

".....Bavarian State Opera Posters cosmonaut paintings to promote their new season.."

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Oct 26, 2010, 6:38am

I am just trying to figure out how to get these posters. Will keep you updated in case anyone wants one, too.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Oct 26, 2010, 6:42am

Im in ! Please get me one :) :) :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Oct 26, 2010, 8:05am

I'd definitely be interested too if you manage to get any extra copies. I'm not sure if those are promotional giveaway type things or more advertisments to hang (in which case they might be harder to come by).
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Oct 26, 2010, 12:22pm

Great for Jeremy. It's always interesting to see where this stuff gets picked up. but I am more interested to know what the next print will be?

From the blog posting

Our next print should be ready in November. I'll post more details soon.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Oct 26, 2010, 12:47pm

I know he said the print of the final cluster painting would be ready before the end of the year but I'm really hoping the next print is the cosmanaut in the street (not sure of title)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Oct 26, 2010, 1:31pm

Oct 26, 2010, 12:47pm, greenhorn1 wrote:
I know he said the print of the final cluster painting would be ready before the end of the year but I'm really hoping the next print is the cosmanaut in the street (not sure of title)

This one?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Oct 26, 2010, 1:55pm

That's the one. :) fingers crossed.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Nov 3, 2010, 9:40am

final version of "the street" posted on his blog.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Nov 3, 2010, 11:42am


It has come a long way since the study imo. Love the detail

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Nov 3, 2010, 12:00pm

Nov 3, 2010, 11:42am, rhythmgtr5 wrote:
[image] [image]
Side by side comparison

It has come a long way since the study imo. Love the detail

Absolutely, the pigeon and the tiled building have really added to it
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by madbaki on Dec 8, 2010, 10:35pm

For those that are interested, the new "Street" print is up. Go get'em :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by suckerpunch on Dec 22, 2010, 6:36pm

Has anybody who bought one of these have you had yours delivered yet? just wondering?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Dec 22, 2010, 6:39pm

nopers. should be soon i would think.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by suckerpunch on Dec 22, 2010, 6:54pm

Cheers, mine was sent out ages ago , well seems to be any way, must be the crap weather for the delay.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shawnlow on Jan 25, 2011, 7:12am

Dec 22, 2010, 6:36pm, suckerpunch wrote:
Has anybody who bought one of these have you had yours delivered yet? just wondering?

I live local to Jeremy and they were busy over Christmas and the New Year. Soph dropped off the large Street Artist Proof print last week. You should be getting yours soon!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Jan 25, 2011, 12:28pm

Dec 22, 2010, 6:36pm, suckerpunch wrote:
Has anybody who bought one of these have you had yours delivered yet? just wondering?

I purchased the regular version and received it on Dec. 24 (I think it was posted 10 or 12 days before). If you have not gotten yours by now, maybe contact Soph? They should be able to track your parcel.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rubberneck on Jan 30, 2011, 3:05am

Jeremy Geddes prints advertising the Bavarian State Opera 2010-2011 season, turned up this morning:


Nice to see these as large size prints, since I can't get these as artist prints at present:


And just because its such a fantastic print no matter how its composed or cropped:



This one got a bit dinged in the bottom left hand corner, but since they are only posters, I'm not too upset...

All will be rotated in a frame over time.... :clap:

Vielen Dank to the Bavarian State Opera front office!

5 of these prints are now available on their site:

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by thomasmd on Jan 30, 2011, 4:39am

Thanks for the info rubberneck! What is the size of the poster?

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Jan 30, 2011, 11:58am

Size is DIN A1, so that's about 59x84 cm (23x33 inch).
Good from them putting the posters officially in the store, as they must have gotten a lot of requests. Mine are also already here :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 12, 2011, 3:05pm

New interview with Jeremy posted over at Coates and Scarry.

including this teaser picture of Jeremy at work on something new!

is that a horse or a dog that i see? ;D
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on Feb 12, 2011, 3:38pm

Thanks for that. Found these last couple interesting..

Q: What do you believe art does for the world?
Hmm, for the world? Nothing, it is merely a consumer of resources like most other human activity. For people, I guess at best it can contribute to a cultural conversation. It can, possibly alter people抯 perceptions of the world around them, although, however much I like to think otherwise, I suspect only slightly and for a very limited time.

Q: What kind of legacy would you like to leave?
It抯 not something I really think about too often. I抦 not entirely convinced that our species has a long future ahead of it. Being remembered isn抰 something that keeps me up at night. If I can touch or make some honest contact with a persons intellect or emotion through my paintings for even a short time then I抦 happy enough.

Some brutally honest, if depressing, responses that I actually appreciate and find insightful to hear from an artist's perspective..even if the questions themselves were loaded.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 12, 2011, 3:49pm

ditto, walt. i also found this tidbit interesting:

"I grew in up in Geelong, a small town outside Melbourne. It抯 a flat industrial place. I grew up near a cement factory which would coat the surrounding houses in a dull grey pall, and which formed the bones of the painting 憈here is glory�."

'there is glory in our failure', oil on linen, 2007

it's always interesting to me how an artist's environment and background informs their work. personally, i've always found this to be one of his most haunting images. the print is also really stunning with incredibly rich, dark blacks contrasting against the gray sky.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 12, 2011, 10:57pm

Another interview from earlier in the year via Locomotive:
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 15, 2011, 11:40pm

New Geddes work, 'Adrift'



here's a shot of Adrift being boxed up for the trip to Roq La Rue for the Hi Fructose group show. (the piece is already sold btw)

A print will also be released.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Feb 16, 2011, 12:18am

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by madbaki on Feb 16, 2011, 2:57am

This print is a must. Going to look great next to "Redemption". I wonder what the size is going to be?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Feb 16, 2011, 4:02am

wonderful piece. did you grab it epic?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Feb 16, 2011, 4:12am

i hope it's sold to me and i just don't know about it yet. 8(
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on Feb 16, 2011, 7:18am

Truly brilliant!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Feb 16, 2011, 7:54am

this the time is coming for my first Geddes print.. this is just wonderful..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Feb 16, 2011, 8:38am

Feb 16, 2011, 4:12am, peetov wrote:
i hope it's sold to me and i just don't know about it yet. 8(

heh. me too but I don't think I got on the list anywhere near early enough. I think I only wrote them a little over a month ago.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Feb 16, 2011, 9:09am

Love this piece. Add me to the list of those who are hoping they got on the list early enough :D
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by jake on Feb 16, 2011, 9:52am

I really want to see one of Geddes originals in the flesh - the photos always make them look so detailed and stunning.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 16, 2011, 3:10pm

Feb 16, 2011, 4:02am, svenman wrote:
wonderful piece. did you grab it epic?

I wish! Nope, not mine. Contacted Kirsten but it is already spoken for. I honestly didnt expect a new original to appear at this show and be for sale, so i was waaay too late in inquiring. That's OK though, my 2011 art budget is pretty much already committed. I'm on the list for the 2012 JLG show, however, and will be hoping to get a shot then.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on Feb 16, 2011, 3:27pm

Feb 16, 2011, 3:10pm, epicfai wrote:

Feb 16, 2011, 4:02am, svenman wrote:
wonderful piece. did you grab it epic?

I wish! Nope, not mine. Contacted Kirsten but it is already spoken for. I honestly didnt expect a new original to appear at this show and be for sale, so i was waaay too late in inquiring. That's OK though, my 2011 art budget is pretty much already committed. I'm on the list for the 2012 JLG show, however, and will be hoping to get a shot then.

Snap. Hoped you managed to luck out and snag this, Alex. I too was hugely surprised to see his name pop up in the lineup at all..and am now even more surprised to see that it's a fully fleshed out painting, let alone a Cosmonaut piece. I reached out to Kirsten the moment I noticed this show on her site in mid Jan sometime, seemingly before the news of this amazing show had begun to circulate. Thought I might've had a chance had it been a first come first serve deal, but never heard back. I assumed all along it wasn't ever going to be made publicly available and probably would be reserved to one of her best clients, as should be the case to an extent. His output really is so low and slow, with demand mounting bigtime, it's gonna be crazy by next year and I'm really not holding out much hope at all.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Feb 16, 2011, 3:36pm

Feb 16, 2011, 3:27pm, lowpro wrote:

Feb 16, 2011, 3:10pm, epicfai wrote:

I wish! Nope, not mine. Contacted Kirsten but it is already spoken for. I honestly didnt expect a new original to appear at this show and be for sale, so i was waaay too late in inquiring. That's OK though, my 2011 art budget is pretty much already committed. I'm on the list for the 2012 JLG show, however, and will be hoping to get a shot then.

Snap. Hoped you managed to luck out and snag this, Alex. I too was hugely surprised to see his name pop up in the lineup at all..and am now even more surprised to see that it's a fully fleshed out painting, let alone a Cosmonaut piece. I reached out to Kirsten the moment I noticed this show on her site in mid Jan sometime, seemingly before the news of this amazing show had begun to circulate. Thought I might've had a chance had it been a first come first serve deal, but never heard back. I assumed all along it wasn't ever going to be made publicly available and probably would be reserved to one of her best clients, as should be the case to an extent. His output really is so low and slow, with demand mounting bigtime, it's gonna be crazy by next year and I'm really not holding out much hope at all.

This pretty much sums it up for me as well. Needless to say I'm heartbroken.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Feb 16, 2011, 3:56pm

Feb 16, 2011, 3:27pm, lowpro wrote:

Feb 16, 2011, 3:10pm, epicfai wrote:

I wish! Nope, not mine. Contacted Kirsten but it is already spoken for. I honestly didnt expect a new original to appear at this show and be for sale, so i was waaay too late in inquiring. That's OK though, my 2011 art budget is pretty much already committed. I'm on the list for the 2012 JLG show, however, and will be hoping to get a shot then.

Snap. Hoped you managed to luck out and snag this, Alex. I too was hugely surprised to see his name pop up in the lineup at all..and am now even more surprised to see that it's a fully fleshed out painting, let alone a Cosmonaut piece. I reached out to Kirsten the moment I noticed this show on her site in mid Jan sometime, seemingly before the news of this amazing show had begun to circulate. Thought I might've had a chance had it been a first come first serve deal, but never heard back. I assumed all along it wasn't ever going to be made publicly available and probably would be reserved to one of her best clients, as should be the case to an extent. His output really is so low and slow, with demand mounting bigtime, it's gonna be crazy by next year and I'm really not holding out much hope at all.

thanks, walt. i think you're right on regarding his debut US solo show. odds of getting a piece will likely be slim. it will certainly be one of the most anticipated shows of that year! i also shudder to think at how his pieces will likely be priced as well. :o
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by pluton on Feb 17, 2011, 9:22am

Really can't wait for this print! I hope its sold online and not only at the show.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Feb 17, 2011, 9:56am

Feb 17, 2011, 9:22am, pluton wrote:
Really can't wait for this print! I hope its sold online and not only at the show.

Me too! And I hope they send out a mail some time before the print goes online. I missed out on the Cluster mini print release because I was not online then.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by pricklypete on Feb 17, 2011, 7:52pm

What month is his show in 2012? I'm definitely saving up for that one. I got on the list late 2010...I'm hoping I'm on there in time for something. I've never managed to buy anything from JLG. If I have the $$$ for something,the show is sold out and I'm nowhere on the list or there is something I want and the money isn't there :-[
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by madbaki on May 10, 2011, 6:52am

My mind is blown :o

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 10, 2011, 7:17am

Second that!!


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on May 10, 2011, 7:48am

he has a magnificent grasp of illuminating his paintings.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on May 10, 2011, 9:54am

Incredible. I was wondering which direction he would move in after the cosmonauts. I'm really liking this.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on May 10, 2011, 9:59am

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on May 10, 2011, 10:13am

Amazing painting, I wounder if he takes any influence from the works by Vermeer?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by planetzog on May 10, 2011, 1:49pm

Absolutely stunning, would love this as a print.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by spenie on May 10, 2011, 2:33pm

May 10, 2011, 1:49pm, planetzog wrote:
Absolutely stunning, would love this as a print.

Looks like it will be.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on May 10, 2011, 4:46pm

Im usually more eloquent, but I can't think of anything else but WOW for this one..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on May 11, 2011, 8:42am

I saw this to be extremely interesting. Today on FB Jeremy has 220 new friends, which I don't know if it's a direct relationship to this most recent painting, but I think so. Still blown away by this one
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 11, 2011, 1:08pm

A nice closeup...


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by floatingtrees on May 16, 2011, 7:06pm

Red Cosmo is sold out


version I found on ebay:
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by habit333 on May 16, 2011, 10:57pm

I like Red Cosmo, and thought about buying, but I just never saw it getting framed and going up on my wall - Adrift is the only print I bought from Jeremy, though I've followed his work for a while and would love to own and original some day. Either way, I'm glad people are buying the prints and supporting his art!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on May 17, 2011, 6:56am

Cafe is sold out as well, as his entire print catalog.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 18, 2011, 5:28pm

Finally got these on the wall.


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on May 18, 2011, 7:07pm

^ they look great together like that.. nice composition!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by floatingtrees on May 18, 2011, 8:02pm

May 18, 2011, 5:28pm, droow2 wrote:
Finally got these on the wall.


Awesome, it would be cool to see a close up pick of your Cosmonaut I AP. Here's a few shots of my Cosmonaut III AP (all we need is Suckerpunch to post his Cosmonaut IV AP :)).


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 18, 2011, 8:36pm

there you go bud, I'll get a closer one tomorrow.


Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by floatingtrees on May 18, 2011, 8:59pm

^ Thanks, looks beautiful!

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on May 19, 2011, 12:44pm

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by roseproto on May 20, 2011, 12:22am

May 10, 2011, 6:52am, madbaki wrote:
My mind is blown :o


Fingers crossed for my third Geddes...

Looks absolutely amazing.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on May 26, 2011, 4:55am

According to his blog, a print of A Perfect Vacuum will be available soon :D
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by chadley on May 26, 2011, 9:35am

I think this will be my first Geddes.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by floatingtrees on May 26, 2011, 1:09pm

May 26, 2011, 4:55am, katrin wrote:
According to his blog, a print of A Perfect Vacuum will be available soon :D

Yay! :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by troom on May 29, 2011, 4:22pm

"A Perfect Vacuum" sold out before I could get the site to open.

Good time to hang the others sitting on the floor of the living room.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by dasher12 on May 30, 2011, 11:01am

^^ I got refunded. This is the first Geddes I missed in a long time. Congrats to Jem though!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by murdock on Aug 15, 2011, 6:30am

I guess it's time to show some framework on that APV, so here goes:

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Sept 29, 2011, 2:31am

something new.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Sept 29, 2011, 3:21am

insanely awesome as always
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by murdock on Sept 29, 2011, 4:37am

Love everything in that work except the cosmo and the dove. Looking forward to the "future work" he spoke of on his blog:

This is a small and fast (for me) painting, measuring at 37 * 58 cm. It doesn't have the detail of my large paintings due to it's size, but I think the brushwork at the micro level is perhaps some of the best I've done.

It is also one of the last cosmonaut paintings I'm planning on producing (there's one or two more in the pipeline), although future work should be evolution of those themes, rather than a radical departure.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Sept 29, 2011, 8:01am

Looks great. Would love to see a larger version to enjoy all the details
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by fnord on Sept 29, 2011, 11:10am

I can't wait to see his work next year at JLG.
He's announced on his blog that this painting will be turned in to a timed release print.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Sept 30, 2011, 1:51am

Sept 29, 2011, 4:37am, murdock wrote:
Love everything in that work except the cosmo and the dove. Looking forward to the "future work" he spoke of on his blog:

This is a small and fast (for me) painting, measuring at 37 * 58 cm. It doesn't have the detail of my large paintings due to it's size, but I think the brushwork at the micro level is perhaps some of the best I've done.

It is also one of the last cosmonaut paintings I'm planning on producing (there's one or two more in the pipeline), although future work should be evolution of those themes, rather than a radical departure.

I have to agree with murdock, when Soph emailed this to me, I first saw it on my phone and scrolled down to the bottom of the image and saw the cosmonaut and dove and was immediately disappointed. Absolutely love the warmth of the lighting but those two just feel placed oddly, maybe he did this on purpose but still what an amazing talent
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by voleboy on Sept 30, 2011, 6:58am

I don't like it. I missed Adrift by 1 hour as they didn't release the time, and I got fed up of waiting around and had to go to bed. I had a family commitment for APV where there was no way of getting to the web. The irony is this will be easier to get, but doesn't do anything for me.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Oct 9, 2011, 12:04pm

I could not find this posted elsewhere on the forum, so here is the info from Jeremy's blog about the timed release of his new print:

This will go online in 3 hours!!!

"Warmer Air will be available on Monday 10th October from 7am to 7pm Melbourne, Australia time (approximately).

For Warmer Air we抳e decided to do a timed release. This means you can purchase the print at any time during the 12 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will be the edition size. Once the 12 hours is up the print is no longer available.

As a guide, the start time is Sunday 9th October 4pm in New York, Sunday 1pm in San Francisco and Sunday 9pm in London going into the morning of Monday 10th October. But please check your time zones.

The print will be available here on our website: http://www.jeremygeddesart.com/popups/warmerairp.html

Please note, the purchase button will be uploaded when the print is available (our Monday morning and everyone else抯 Sunday afternoon/evening), and will appear in the top right corner.

Some details about the print:

Warmer Air is 40cm wide and 61cm long. The image itself is 35cm by 55cm, almost the same size as the original painting.

It is $120AU and the price includes packing and postage ($117US by today抯 exchange rate)

We anticipate mailing out may take several weeks, so please be patient."
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by astrogirl on Oct 9, 2011, 3:25pm

got it - went smooth!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Oct 9, 2011, 6:40pm

a teaser for everyone who got one / is still considering getting one:

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by murdock on Oct 10, 2011, 3:34am

Wow. That's actually the *best* pic of this print I've seen so far!
Thanks for posting.

(Still not my cup of tea, but probably very nice in the flesh)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Oct 10, 2011, 5:14am

The timed release is now closed.

The edition number is 840.

This was our first timed release print and we're really delighted (plus a little overwhelmed).

Thanks to everyone who bought a print and to all the folks on the forums who talked us into doing it in the first place! It's been an amazing day and something we'll definitely do again.

from Jeremy Geddess website..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 10, 2011, 5:37am

I am beyond hopeless ! Looks like my Geddes wait will have to continue
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Oct 10, 2011, 7:09am

that's an impressive edition size.

looks like his popularity has grown massively in the last year or so.
i recall all those prints being sat on his web store when i went to buy a bunch.
i got the cosmonaught set and alley, but my paypal account froze and wouldn't let me complete on heat death and the one with the bridge.

sorry that i never got to pick up that heat death print. such a great image. what were they editions of 60 or something?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by svenman on Oct 10, 2011, 7:15am

Jan 20, 2010, 11:26am, droow2 wrote:
I also heard something about him putting out a figure with 3A but not sure what happened with it, but I'd imagine it'd be pretty special...


does anyone know if this is still on the cards?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by voleboy on Oct 10, 2011, 7:40am

Oct 10, 2011, 7:09am, svenman wrote:
that's an impressive edition size.

looks like his popularity has grown massively in the last year or so.
i recall all those prints being sat on his web store when i went to buy a bunch.
i got the cosmonaught set and alley, but my paypal account froze and wouldn't let me complete on heat death and the one with the bridge.

sorry that i never got to pick up that heat death print. such a great image. what were they editions of 60 or something?

I remember them being sat there for ages too. I knew in my heart of hearts they were too good, and too cheap to stay there forever, but only pulled my finger out for Red Cosmo.

All of a sudden everyone caught on, and it's been mad ever since. Happy they sold so many. I didn't buy one as the image doesn't do much for me.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Oct 10, 2011, 8:49am

Oct 10, 2011, 7:40am, voleboy wrote:

Oct 10, 2011, 7:09am, svenman wrote:

i recall all those prints being sat on his web store when i went to buy a bunch.

I remember them being sat there for ages too. I knew in my heart of hearts they were too good, and too cheap to stay there forever, but only pulled my finger out for Red Cosmo.

I also remember thinking whether to get Red Cosmo or not, and I ended up buying other things than (which I dont regret).. but I do wish I was trusting my guts a bit more, and got that one.. still probably my fav image I saw from him...
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Oct 10, 2011, 8:58am

Same here...when I first saw the prints in his store (thanks to this forum), every single one of them was still for sale and sat there for months or maybe even a year. I fully regret not buying all of them back then. At least I got Alley, There is Glory in our Failure, The Street and now Warmer Air.
I think Alley, There is Glory in our Failure and Freeway were the most limited editions at 60 each.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 10, 2011, 12:40pm

completely messed up on this one, I thought the window was a week... not 12 hours
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Oct 10, 2011, 12:48pm

Oct 10, 2011, 7:40am, voleboy wrote:

Oct 10, 2011, 7:09am, svenman wrote:
that's an impressive edition size.

looks like his popularity has grown massively in the last year or so.
i recall all those prints being sat on his web store when i went to buy a bunch.
i got the cosmonaught set and alley, but my paypal account froze and wouldn't let me complete on heat death and the one with the bridge.

sorry that i never got to pick up that heat death print. such a great image. what were they editions of 60 or something?

I remember them being sat there for ages too. I knew in my heart of hearts they were too good, and too cheap to stay there forever, but only pulled my finger out for Red Cosmo.

All of a sudden everyone caught on, and it's been mad ever since. Happy they sold so many. I didn't buy one as the image doesn't do much for me.

yep, remember this well. i actually bought all of them except for heat death from the website. got my heat death in a trade from a fellow board member (thanks!)

passed on warmer air myself as i dont find the image to be personally compelling but i do really admire the technical virtuosity demonstrated in all of his works.

congrats to jeremy on a great open run! still holding out hope for a piece from levine.... being in the 30s on the waitlist likely means zero chance for me though! :P
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Oct 10, 2011, 12:59pm

Oct 10, 2011, 12:40pm, shine166 wrote:
completely messed up on this one, I thought the window was a week... not 12 hours

ouch!.. you did mess it up my friend :) ...

but dont worry too much, there will be plenty available, and cause of that I dont think the price will be significantly bigger..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 10, 2011, 1:24pm

True, its probably for the best anyway... these things usually happen for a reason
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by pricklypete on Oct 10, 2011, 1:51pm

Oct 10, 2011, 12:48pm, epicfai wrote:
[quote author=voleboy board=newcontemporary thread=3969 post=51423 time=1318250426]

still holding out hope for a piece from levine.... being in the 30s on the waitlist likely means zero chance for me though! :P

Didn't know that you could find out where you are on the list. Did you just ask ?

I sort of want to know because that'll be quite a chunk of change that could be used on something else quite special if I have no hope.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hellosir on Oct 10, 2011, 2:50pm

Interesting to hear aboit everyone knowing but not making purchases. I remember finding out about him and shortly thereafter became active here. Took me awhile to purchase but I think my first order was 3 prints. Proceeded to build my collection from there. I have thinned out my collection to my favorites, white cosmo and cluster study. Everything else has gone to help me acquire art that I would not have been able to keep it all. Nor do I have the wall space.

This piece I was not fond of at the beginning and the lighting and detail shot sold me on it. I imagine that the bird is a superdove and has the strength to either pull or lower the cosmo and remember something jem mentioned in an interview about imaginative motion. The three pieces mentioned plus cafe and perfect vacuum capture this beautifully. Can't wait to see what comes out for April and am really pleased to see such success for someone who backs up talent with service. Something I truly respect in their operation.

Alex I'm curious too about how you found out where you are on the list. I know I got a personal reply when I inquired about the show upon first hearing frfom Soph. I can't even remember when though.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Oct 10, 2011, 3:15pm

Oct 10, 2011, 1:51pm, pricklypete wrote:
Didn't know that you could find out where you are on the list. Did you just ask ?

yep, just asked. its nice to know but honestly i doubt that they will sell this show based on a first-come, first served waitlist. i would guess their regular clients will get first shot. could be wrong though. cheers!
Jeremy Geddes
Post by pricklypete on Oct 10, 2011, 3:43pm

Yeah, I was afraid of that. I've only ever bought one smaller piece from there. Always bad timing for me, if I have $$$ I don't get a shot at anything. If I'm broke there are pieces available. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. Still holding out hope though.

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Oct 10, 2011, 4:48pm

i sent an email to levine immediately after the show was announced. i've emailed them multiple times since then and never receive a response. i can't even find out if i'm on the list. so lame.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by napart on Oct 14, 2011, 10:07am

I'm excited for everyone who scored "Warmer Air". I had to show some restraint and pass... Still have too many prints that I need to frame. I can't wait to see pics when you all have them framed and hanging on the wall!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Oct 18, 2011, 3:36am


Pale Memory
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 18, 2011, 3:46am

that is epic
Jeremy Geddes
Post by anarquee on Oct 18, 2011, 3:48am

Oct 18, 2011, 3:36am, epicfai wrote:

Pale Memory

love it!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Oct 18, 2011, 4:09am

Oct 18, 2011, 3:46am, shine166 wrote:
that is epic

EPIC is definitely the word that suits this piece.. so much power in it..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Oct 18, 2011, 5:55am

Oct 18, 2011, 4:09am, sal wrote:

Oct 18, 2011, 3:46am, shine166 wrote:
that is epic

EPIC is definitely the word that suits this piece.. so much power in it..

i love the fact that it is "only" a test painting or prelim of sorts.

"This is a very small painting, just 45cm * 34cm. I painted at this scale because it was also acting as a proof of concept, I wanted to make sure I could paint this sort of thing before I expanded it into larger paintings."
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 18, 2011, 5:59am

How old is Geddes ? The guy paints like he's been doing it for decades
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on Oct 18, 2011, 6:03am

Wow. Truly mindblowing. Such a talent.

If only he had continued to sell art independent of galleries, I would've been able to enjoy something from him on my walls. But he had to go and sign with Levine of all people. Such a bad move.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhythmgtr5 on Oct 18, 2011, 8:00am

This piece is amazing both in detail and composition. I wonder if these smaller study paintings will ever become available for sale? My only complaint with this piece is that the people in the cannonball look a bit emaciated and I'd rather they be clothed. Minor complaint though as I'd still hang it
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by comiconart on Oct 18, 2011, 10:17am

Oct 18, 2011, 6:03am, lowpro wrote:
Wow. Truly mindblowing. Such a talent.

If only he had continued to sell art independent of galleries, I would've been able to enjoy something from him on my walls. But he had to go and sign with Levine of all people. Such a bad move.

Totally agree on all counts.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by murdock on Oct 18, 2011, 10:18am

Oct 18, 2011, 6:03am, lowpro wrote:
But he had to go and sign with Levine of all people. Such a bad move.

Why's that (from Geddes' perspective)?
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Oct 18, 2011, 10:46am

I'm all for juicy gossip, but I have a feeling this might go off topic here if this continues. Although sometimes it's pertinent to discuss specific relationships between certain artists and their gallerists in the artist thread, if there is nothing special about this particular artist and this particular gallery, it might be better to start a separate thread just to to discuss that gallery or galleries in general to discuss them overall
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by murdock on Oct 19, 2011, 11:02am

Fair enough.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Oct 19, 2011, 12:09pm

Oct 18, 2011, 5:59am, shine166 wrote:
How old is Geddes ? The guy paints like he's been doing it for centuries

i believe he's early/mid thirties if i'm not mistaken.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by lowpro on Oct 19, 2011, 5:46pm

Oct 18, 2011, 10:18am, murdock wrote:

Oct 18, 2011, 6:03am, lowpro wrote:
But he had to go and sign with Levine of all people. Such a bad move.

Why's that (from Geddes' perspective)?

After consciously holding out for so long and being so anti-gallery and independent in their original business model, I just think there were better galleries they could've selected. They're doing Levine way more favors than he's doing for them. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Oct 19, 2011, 7:36pm

Oct 19, 2011, 12:09pm, peetov wrote:

Oct 18, 2011, 5:59am, shine166 wrote:
How old is Geddes ? The guy paints like he's been doing it for centuries

i believe he's early/mid thirties if i'm not mistaken.

cheers... no idea why I said centuries :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by peetov on Oct 19, 2011, 8:32pm

hah. i said centuries, you had said decades. i was just echoing my thoughts were similar to yours just a little more extreme.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by droow2 on Oct 20, 2011, 11:41am

Oct 19, 2011, 7:24pm, tpthaler wrote:

Oct 19, 2011, 5:46pm, lowpro wrote:

After consciously holding out for so long and being so anti-gallery and independent in their original business model, I just think there were better galleries they could've selected. They're doing Levine way more favors than he's doing for them. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I agree! If he was set on trying out the gallery route, I think he should have gone west coast (plus, it's shorter flight)... Someone like Thinkspace would have been great. Oh wells, maybe he will go back to his old business model after JLG.

it was between JLG and Corey Helford.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by rhinomilk on Oct 20, 2011, 1:20pm

Geddes + Ashley Wood openings under one roof sounds so divine.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by admin on Jan 5, 2012, 7:06pm

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by epicfai on Jan 22, 2012, 9:25pm

'Cluster' 2012


Detail shots...



Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on Jan 22, 2012, 9:34pm

i better sell something to fund the print purchase
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Feb 4, 2012, 5:53am

Jeremy Geddes announced a new print release on Tuesday 7th February at approximately 8am Melbourne time (convert to your time zone HERE).


there will be a regular print available for $190 AUD (61cm x 64cm), edition of 200, and large print for $850 AUD (approximately 1 meter square), edition of only 10
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on Feb 5, 2012, 10:09am

looks like this is gonna be a hard drop for me...no wifi at work and have never attempted a purchase using my phone...
Jeremy Geddes
Post by urbanite on Feb 6, 2012, 4:12pm

200 sold in under 2 mins? Really??
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Feb 6, 2012, 4:17pm

the site never loaded for me, plus I was busy playing with this:


was wondering what kind of connection do people that got one use?!.. Insomniac?!
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sal on Feb 6, 2012, 4:30pm

Feb 6, 2012, 4:25pm, tpthaler wrote:

I can't give away my secrets, but let's just say I have access to servers all across the world, with the fastest internet connections, using a browser (with custom settings) and operating system you have never heard of :)... But this was by far the most overloaded print sale I have ever tried to get. Usually it's not problem. This one took a bit more work. Some of my requests started a few minutes before the drop and didn't connect until a minute or two after the print. Some of my requests didn't connect at all, but I am a programmer so I have an unfair advantage when it comes to print drops!

aaaaaaalright than, time to call my nerdy friends than... ;)

I have to look into these things (I do know a tiny little bit about it, so I kind of have a clue what you're talking about).. Im sick of not getting even close when these big things drop..
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by amin on Feb 6, 2012, 5:33pm

Feb 6, 2012, 4:12pm, tpthaler wrote:

Feb 5, 2012, 10:09am, hillsj2001 wrote:
looks like this is gonna be a hard drop for me...no wifi at work and have never attempted a purchase using my phone...

That drop was insane... His site started going down 30 minutes prior to the release (usually it's 5-10 minutes prior)... But I snagged one for a fellow board member. I have yet to find a print drop that I can't get! I had over 5 browsers going on multiple internet connections, and the interesting thing is the paypal source code button was still up at 14 minutes after the drop. I wonder why it was out there so long (prob. due to the traffic jam with the site).

I should seriously consider building a system that can handle the traffic for artists like this (kawasaki's is close to the best, but her site still can't handle the traffic). I could setup a cloud for the hour around the release to any high demand artist. I think it's strange no one has done it yet (prob. no money in it). I would prob. trade my services for artwork though...

I do it for several artists :)
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by sixteenounces on Feb 6, 2012, 5:50pm

I know it happens all the time, but damn it makes me angry when they are already up on EBay. Takes a little bit out of me every time. Vultures.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Feb 6, 2012, 6:18pm

I made it through but JUST in the nick of time. I had several browsers open trying to refresh and nothing was happening. Then I got lucky by opening the link in a brand new window and it popped up with the purchase button. Very glad I decided to leave work early because there's no way I would have gotten one on our 1MB work connection.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by amin on Feb 6, 2012, 6:20pm

Feb 6, 2012, 5:39pm, tpthaler wrote:

Feb 6, 2012, 5:33pm, amin wrote:

I do it for several artists :)

Well there you go, do you use a cloud service to provide scalable hosting (like amazon)? And you should get more of those paypal artists to use your system!!!

I use a combination of environments as I have a proprietary arbitrage system for cloud resources. We spread workloads across amazon, azure, and rackspace.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by greenhorn1 on Feb 6, 2012, 6:21pm

From jeremy's FB...

Cluster, both regular and large prints, have sold out, thanks to everyone who bought one.

We're sorry for those who missed out, we weren't expecting Cluster to have the same response as A Perfect Vacuum so we were surprised by the speed it sold out.

In future we'll be doing larger editions!


I should also mention that along with the normal print runs, we will try to do a timed release (like Warmer Air) at least once a year, so there should always be opportunities to get a print.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by katrin on Feb 7, 2012, 2:30pm

When I read about these complicated set-ups I feel almost bad that I made it through with my regular internet connection, firefox, and just three clicks until the print was mine after 19 seconds.
But I was prepared, I knew where the purchase button would appear, I guess I refreshed at the right moment and clicked as soon as I saw some black text in that corner. Or maybe fortune favours the fools ;)

Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hillsj2001 on Feb 8, 2012, 11:24am

Feb 7, 2012, 2:30pm, katrin wrote:
When I read about these complicated set-ups I feel almost bad that I made it through with my regular internet connection, firefox, and just three clicks until the print was mine after 19 seconds.
But I was prepared, I knew where the purchase button would appear, I guess I refreshed at the right moment and clicked as soon as I saw some black text in that corner. Or maybe fortune favours the fools ;)

i knew where the purchase button was gonna be, but it never seemed to show up for me...oh well, win some and lose some
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by suckerpunch on Feb 12, 2012, 7:04am

Well done who bagged one of these, i did not stand a chance , nevermind.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by hre on Feb 12, 2012, 9:02am

I also tried for one but was not quick enough.
maybe next time.

I hear he is to do larger editions for his next prints
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by xander on Feb 23, 2012, 12:04am

From what I've heard from Sophie, Jeremy's going to try to do larger print editions and maybe a timed release (Warmer Air) every year or so.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by shine166 on Feb 26, 2012, 11:03am

I must be half asleep when visiting this place or checking emails as I seem to have completely misssed this Geddes release again lol
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by xander on Mar 3, 2012, 8:59pm

If anyone is looking to sell a Street, please contact me about how much you want for it.
Re: Jeremy Geddes
Post by xander on Apr 7, 2012, 4:05am

I know it happens all the time, but damn it makes me angry when they are already up on eBay. Takes a little bit out of me every time. Vultures.

Agreed, but right now, Cluster is at its peak, price-wise, at about an average of $650.

I think the larger edition number and the lack of Cosmonauts will eventually help deflate the price of it when Jeremy's JLG show is over.

